This year dad and I completed our 9th MS150 (Escape to the Lake), which starts just north of Pittsburgh on Saturday and finishes on Sunday in Conneaut, OH on the shore of Lake Erie. The first day is comprised of a very hilly, 4400+ feet of climbing, 80 mile ride. Allegheny College in Meadville is were we stay the night and the accommodations are very nice. You can camp in the gym, outside in around the campus, in a dorm (air and no-air conditioning), or at some local hotels. We stay in the air-conditioned dorms and I think that is the best way to go, since all the action is on the campus. The food, beer garden, live music, massages, movie, etc.
As usual I had my camera with me and I snapped a few shots when we arrived and then later at the beer and live music portion of the evening. This year we had unseasonably cool weather and the high temperature may have reached 68 degrees. With the cool temps and the strange hours for the beer garden and live music and by strange I mean 3:00pm to 7:00pm, the crowd was a little thin. At last years event the entire ground was covered in bodies recovering with a brew and some tunes. Hopefully next year this is changed back to the old time configuration. I think it started at 6:00pm or 7:00pm and went to 9:00pm or 10:00pm.
We finished up on Sunday which was a very enjoyable ride with less hills and less miles and great weather.