
My name is John and for the last year I was blogging everyday during my 365 Project. My project is completed, however, I still feel the urge to post photographs and observations. I work for a major retailer and have a side thing going as a photographer.

I was born and raised in West Virginia.  I moved to Pittsburgh in 2001 for work, where I met my wife, had a couple rugrats, and remodeled a 19th century house.  I asked my wife recently, "When can I officially consider myself from Pittsburgh?"  

The Answer:  NOW!

The name of this blog is a reference to the city I now officially call home.  If you are not familiar with the "Belt System," then read up.  The suburb I live in is on the Yellow Belt and when I first moved to Pittsburgh, I lived on the Green Belt.

I love the belt system and the friendly colored signs you see around Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.  My wife thinks that it is pointless.  That being said, when I told her what the name of this blog might be, she said "That's the name and you are officially from Pittsburgh!"


© John Carenbauer and Pavé Photography. All Rights Reserved.